CTOne 攜手禾薪科技為三立電視台打造安全的5G智慧展演應用

2 min.


在西班牙舉辦的世界行動通訊大會Mobile World Congress 2024  展會上, 趨勢科技旗下5G資安子公司 CTOne訊勢科技 與合作夥伴Saviah禾薪科技一同介紹台灣三立電視台5G智慧展演應用案例,並同時向世界推廣台灣影視產業的前瞻與創新性。

三立電視台去年成功在智慧展演服務中導入5G專網,由禾薪科技提供5G核網服務及網管系統,5G專網資安部分則由CTOne來把關。其應用包含高解析遠程製播、AI虛擬動補混合實境、3D動態追蹤辨識AR影像,透過5G專頻專網的建置,打造影像製播無線化的環境,結合4K IP攝影機,AI動補系統、異地共演等相關技術,建立影視產業節目製作遠端製播解決方案。




訊勢科技全球業務發展易名揚經理表示:「CTOne 的5G資安解決方案無縫接軌既有場域的IT資安解決方案,並同時提供企業資安可視性及易於IT人員管理的風險控管平台,可為三立電視台打造安全的5G應用場域。」

三立電視台賴麒任副總表示:「三立做為台灣最大的內容創作基地,我們成功打造降低製作成本的5G無線化製播環境,同時在 CTOne 資安防護下保障資訊與數位內容的安全性,三立嘗試多樣態的影視內容創新,發揮更多影響力」

禾薪科技創辦人陳志成表示:「5G核網是5G行動網路的大腦,在實現5G垂直應用服務上至關重要,如智慧展演中需要大頻寬傳輸高清影像、低延遲的AI虛擬混合實境體驗,這些皆須仰賴5G核網強化5G專網端到端的通訊穩定度與多元應用的部署,很高興Saviah 5GC核網服務能在三立電視的場域淬鍊。」

隨著台灣於2023年5G專網專頻管理辦法正式上路,各界對5G資安議題也越來越重視,CTOne 除了積極參與國內5G專網資安推展工作,也將繼續協助企業搭建5G專網安全防護。


CTOne 訊勢科技為趨勢科技全資成立之子公司,CTOne 作為在通訊技術領域上的資安領導廠商,致力於為企業在數位轉型下打造新世代無線通訊技術的資安防護系統,並同時強化通訊技術的韌性。


CTOne Inc.



Advantech's LTE and 5G NR industrial routers meet regional frequency and certification standards, supporting cloud management (WebAccess/DMP) and zero-touch deployment. With ICR-OS, we provide ready-to-use apps, programmable features, and an open SDK for custom applications. In partnership with CTOne’s security solution, we enhance our service offerings, provide enterprise-grade security for CIoT devices, while reducing TCO and simplifying maintenance


Proscend Communications is the leading brand of industrial 4G/5G gateway in Taiwanese Smart City market, focusing on CT (communication technology) solution for various Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications.

By integrating Proscend’s 4G/5G gateways with CTOne’s public mobile network security solution, we effectively address cyber threats in wide-area networks. Our joint solution ensures secure connectivity and protection for numerous IIoT sites operating on 4G/5G public networks without fixed IP addresses.


O'Prueba specializes in Edge AI Service Gateway solutions. In collaboration with CTOne, its security features can be seamlessly deployed to numerous edge IoT endpoints with a single click via the O'Prueba OOS platform. This integration enables businesses to accelerate deployment, enhance data protection, and drive innovation toward digital transformation.


Together with Claroty, we enhance enterprise operational & cyber resiliency for critical infrastructure and secure Cyber-Physical Systems in traditional and hybrid private cellular (5G/LTE) environments.

Netcube Inc.

Netcube is a leader in mobility management solutions for enterprise networking, renowned for its acclaimed authentication and IP automation technologies. Netcube also specializes in implementing 5G connectivity across various industry applications. As an official sales channel partner of CTOne in Korea, we collaborate to offer private 5G enabler solutions with comprehensive security measures. These solutions leverage network slicing-based security controls and ensure industry-specific guaranteed mobility networking.


As a professional 5G telecommunication networking solution vendor,  SpectrEdge and CTOne combined solution delivers rapidly deployable 5G Networking with Industry-Leading Security designed for financial, defense, and public safety markets.


Neutroon and CTOne revolutionize wireless management and cybersecurity, offering 'API First' network control, security, and edge orchestration. Neutroon's unified management spans radio, core, devices, and applications, while CTOne enhances end-to-end security. This collaboration empowers CSPs and enterprises with a scalable, intelligent platform for 5G/LTE.


With a strong focus on operational security, the combination of Pegatron`s end-to-end private 5G offerings and CTOne`s cybersecurity solution enables a more effective approach to enabling smart factories. By addressing critical operational and cybersecurity needs, the joint solution enables modern enterprises to realize the true value of next-generation wireless deployment in their smart factories.


As a certified hardware platform partner, NEXCOM’s hardware appliances have been tested and certified as compatible with CTOne's virtualized private 5G security solution. As a certified solution, global organizations are able to confidently harness the power of CTOne’s leading cybersecurity capabilities in combination with NEXCOM's extensive capabilities in Edge AI, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), private 5G, and secure IoT connectivity.


The joint Saviah-CTOne solution leverages Saviah's cost-effective, high-performance, reliable, and interoperable industrial-grade 5GC service and CTOne's proven end-to-end security. The result: a more secure and easier to manage private mobile network environment for enterprises with the ability to leverage the major features and versatility of 5G.


Securing OT environments connected to CT networks, the integration of Inventec's Smart Factory DX solution with CTOne extends our security capabilities beyond CT into OT. With our joint solution, we offer enterprises an end-to-end service encompassing IT, OT, and CT, complete with a holistic cybersecurity strategy to support enterprises during digital transformation.


The integration of Ataya’s Harmony solution with CTOne provides enterprises with comprehensive connectivity and security visibility across 5G, Wi-Fi, and wired networks. With this joint solution for hybrid networks, enterprises gain full security visibility into Ataya’s Universal Connectivity Platform while supporting a zero-trust strategy and reducing the effort and cost associated with security management.

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